Easy Overnight Oats


My ideal morning looks something like this...

  • wake up restfully to the sound of my alarm

  • take Killa outside then feed her breakfast

  • come back upstairs to finish my morning hygiene routine (tongue scraping, oil pulling, teeth brushing, etc!)

  • complete a guided meditation using either the Headspace or Calm app

  • drink 8-16oz of warm lemon water

  • go over my schedule and to-do list for the day

  • make a green smoothie or bowl of warm oatmeal for breakfast

  • open my computer and get to work!

Then there are those days that go more like this (because let's be real)...

  • wake up to the blaring sound of my alarm and hit snooze as many times as I can

  • brush my teeth while I'm holding Killa in the other arm

  • pull on whatever clean leggings I have left in my drawer

  • throw my hair in a ponytail and race out the door to teach a 7am pilates class

On days like that, I need extra energy to get me through the rest of my morning. And clearly I need something that takes absolutely no time to prep, but is a healthier and heartier option than grabbing a piece of fruit or granola bar. If you feel me on this one, then look no further than my recipe for these Easy Overnight Oats! 


Made up of only six ingredients (not including toppings) that you probably already have in your pantry, this recipe could not be any simpler to make. Filled with tons of protein from the oats, chia seeds and peanut butter, fiber from the oats and chia seeds, healthy fats from the chia seeds and shredded coconut, and antioxidants from the cinnamon (also a great blood-sugar stabilizer) these Easy Overnight Oats provide everything you need for a balanced breakfast. Not to mention all of the additional nutritional benefits you will receive from whatever yummy superfoods you decide to top your oats with!

I am all about taking time to prep when it comes to food. This is the key to success in my book! Setting aside one day a week to wash and cut vegetables, roast sweet potatoes, cook legumes and grains, and make a few servings of overnight oats(!) is one of the biggest things I stress to clients when they are working towards achieving a healthier lifestyle. 


Easy Overnight Oats

(Makes 1 Serving)

1/2 cup gluten-free rolled oats
1/2 cup unsweetened almond or hemp milk (plus more if needed)
1 Tbs creamy peanut butter (or nut/seed butter of choice)
1 Tbs chia seeds
1 Tbs unsweetened shredded coconut
1/4 tsp cinnamon
top with: berries, banana, raw nuts + seeds, cacao nibs, bee pollen, extra coconut!


1. Place oats, non-dairy milk, chia seeds, shredded coconut and cinnamon in a bowl and stir to combine. Add peanut butter and stir once more (or skip this step and wait to drizzle on top).

2. Scoop or pour mixture into a small mason jar or other airtight container, then top with any of the topping ideas listed above (you can also wait to add toppings until you are ready to eat..I would highly recommend this if you are not going to eat them the very next morning).

3. Now add a splash more milk if oats look like they've already absorbed all of the liquid, then let set in the fridge overnight before enjoying. Best when consumed within 3 days of making! 

I always feel full and satisfied for hours after starting my day with these oats, and I never grow tired of them because of all the ways you can change up the fun toppings and add-ins with different fruits, nuts, seeds, etc! 


This recipe has truly become one of our go-to's for a clean and easy breakfast, and I hope it finds it's way into your routine as well!

xo Natalie